KSC-95PC-1654.jpg November 14, 1995 Weather Status ReportSīkbildesKSC-95PC-1661November 14, 1995 Weather Status ReportSīkbildesKSC-95PC-1661
Hopeful that today will bring better conditions for launch, the STS-74 astronauts get ready for an early morning lunch in the Operations and Checkout Building. From left are Mission Specialists William S."Bill" McArthur Jr. and Chris A. Hadfield; Commander Kenneth D. Cameron; Mission Specialist Jerry L. Ross and Pilot James D. Halsell Jr. The first launch attempt yesterday, Nov. 11, was scrubbed due to unfavorable weather conditions at the Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL) sites. The crew has been maintaining an altered day/night schedule to prepare them for their mission: to conduct the second docking of the U.S. Space Shuttle with the Russian Space Station Mir and deliver a permanent docking extension to the station. The Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled for liftoff on Mission STS-74 from Launch Pad 39A during a seven-minute launch window opening at 7:30 a.m. EST, Nov. 12.
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Kennedy Space Center
Hopeful that today will bring better conditions for launch, the STS-74 astronauts get ready for an early morning lunch in the Operations and Checkout Building. From left are Mission Specialists William S."Bill" McArthur Jr. and Chris A. Hadfield; Commander Kenneth D. Cameron; Mission Specialist Jerry L. Ross and Pilot James D. Halsell Jr. The first launch attempt yesterday, Nov. 11, was scrubbed due to unfavorable weather conditions at the Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL) sites. The crew has been maintaining an altered day/night schedule to prepare them for their mission: to conduct the second docking of the U.S. Space Shuttle with the Russian Space Station Mir and deliver a permanent docking extension to the station. The Space Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled for liftoff on Mission STS-74 from Launch Pad 39A during a seven-minute launch window opening at 7:30 a.m. EST, Nov. 12.
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