KSC-05PD-1659.jpg KSC-05PD-1658ЕскізиKSC-05PD-1660KSC-05PD-1658ЕскізиKSC-05PD-1660
In the transfer aisle of the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA Kennedy Space Center, orbiter technicians are hooking a restraining cable around the orbiter lifting slings aft drop leg adjustment hand wheel. This is performed prior to disconnecting the aft spreader beam from the sling (the portion suspended by the 175 ton crane on the left side of the photo), and also prior to taking the final hang angle measurement of the orbiter prior to lifting it over the transom into the high bay. It will be mated with the Solid Rocket Boosters and External Tank already stacked there on the Mobile Launcher Platform. Atlantis is the designated orbiter for Return to Flight mission STS-121. The lighted planning window for launch extends from Sept. 9 to Sept. 25.
Taken in
Kennedy Space Center
In the transfer aisle of the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA Kennedy Space Center, orbiter technicians are hooking a restraining cable around the orbiter lifting slings aft drop leg adjustment hand wheel. This is performed prior to disconnecting the aft spreader beam from the sling (the portion suspended by the 175 ton crane on the left side of the photo), and also prior to taking the final hang angle measurement of the orbiter prior to lifting it over the transom into the high bay. It will be mated with the Solid Rocket Boosters and External Tank already stacked there on the Mobile Launcher Platform. Atlantis is the designated orbiter for Return to Flight mission STS-121. The lighted planning window for launch extends from Sept. 9 to Sept. 25.
Дата зйомки
П'ятниця 22 Липень 2005
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