Mission: Little Joe 5A
Launch Pad: Unavailable
Vehicle: Little Joe (7)
Crew: Unmanned
Not applicable
Spacecraft number 14
Mission Objective:
Max Q escape and impact test. Purpose was to primarily demonstrate the structural integrity of the highest dynamic pressure anticipated during an Atlas launch for orbital flight.
Altitude: 7.7 statute miles
Orbits: 0
Duration: 0 Days, 0 hours, 22 minutes, 48 seconds
Distance: 18 statute miles
Velocity: 1,783 miles per hour
Max Q: 1,580 psf
Max G: 8
The parachutes deployed at 40,000 feet and after recovery the spacecraft actually incurred only superficial structural damage. The spacecraft was later used for the Little Joe 5B (LJ-5B) flight test.
Not applicable
Mission Highlights:
Mission was partially successful but the test objectives were not met.